Tester - Unit Testing for Php

Unit testing library. phpunit has more features & community.


composer require taeluf/tester v0.3.x-dev   

or in your composer.json

{"require":{ "taeluf/tester": "v0.3.x-dev"}}  

Run Tests | CLI Interface

Call phptest or vendor/bin/phptest from your project's root dir.

A globally installed phptest will execute the vendor/bin/phptest copy if it exists.

phptest # simply run tests  
phptest init # Create test dir & example test files  
phptest server # launch test server using default settings  
phptest server server_name # launch a configured server  
phptest server -host.override "https://example.com" # typically server tests will use a localhost address. This overrides the host in all tests, even if you have a multi-server setup.  
phptest -test TestName # Run one test; display all output for the named test  
phptest -test TestName -test Another Test # Run all named tests  
phptest -class ClassName # Run all tests for a class. Do not include namespace. Can include multiple classes.  
phptest -custom_key SomeValue # For any tests that allow custom input from CLI.  

Other Options:

-class ClassName -test TestName # Only run TestName for the given ClassName  
-prettyPrintArray true # Not sure if this works. To print array comparisons on multiple lines. By default output is condensed.  
-set_error_handler false # Not sure if this works. Enable the built-in error handler that causes all warnings, etc, to throw an exception.  
-bench.threshold 0.001 # Only print benchmark for tests taking longer than 1 ms to run. `0.001` is configurable.  

Example Test class

See the available assertions below

namespace Tlf\Tester\Test\Runner;  
class NestedTest extends \Tlf\Tester {  
    /** called before tests are run */  
    public function prepare(){}  
    /** Test methods must prefix with `test` */  
    public function testAnything(){  

Sample config

test/config.json is optional, but recommended. Any values not in your config.json will be filled by the defaults below.

Default config.json:

    "bench.threshold": 0.0001,  
    "server.main": "main",  
        "main": {   
            "host": "http://localhost"  


For docs/details, see src/Tester/Assertions.php

isInstanceOf($object, $shouldBe)  
str_contains($str, $target, ...$strings)  
str_not_contains(string $str, $target, ...$strings)  
compare($target, $actual,$strict=false)  
compare_raw($target, $actual, $strict=false)  
compare_arrays($target, $actual, $strict=false)  
compare_objects($target, $actual, $strict=false)  
compare_json($target, $actual, $strict=false)  
str_contains_lines($str, $target)  
compare_lines($target, $actual)  
compare_dump($target, $actual)  

There is also a magic __call() which will invoke an existing PHP function and use it's return value as an assertion.

For example, $this->in_array('value', $array_to_test); will pass if PHP's in_array() method returns true

Alternate Installation

This also requires code-scrawl for development, which is not handled by this script.
copy+paste this into a bash terminal

mkdir -p "$downloadDir"  
cd "$downloadDir"  
git clone https://gitlab.com/taeluf/php/php-tests.git ${command}   
echo "alias ${command}=\"${downloadDir}/${command}/code/phptest\"" >> ~/.bashrc  
chmod ug+x "${downloadDir}/${command}/code/phptest"  
cd "$pwd";  
source ~/.bashrc  
echo "You can now run \`${command}\`"